Vista da exposição "ExFinito", Farol Santander, São Paulo, 2020

Vista da exposição "Desvanecer", Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo, 2021
Iván Navarro
neon, jatobá wood, one-way mirror and electric energy
85.98 x 39.09 x 7.87 in
Further images
As obras de Iván Navarro atraem o público pela combinação de elementos que questionam nossa percepção. Por um lado, sob um ponto de vista formalista, seus trabalhos são cuidadosamente construídos, trazendo a luz como suporte principal, provocando os sentidos ao mesmo tempo em que suscita um encantamento no espectador. As obras da série de caixas luminosas em neon 3D, como “Tijolo Vertical (Azul)” (2020), criam espaços ilusórios, onde o jogo de perspectiva provoca campos infinitos simbólicos. Isso se dá através dos “pontos de fuga”, onde a geometria provoca a sensação de aumento do espaço.
Formou-se em Artes Visuais, em Santiago, Chile, em 1995. Dentre as mostras individuais estão: Farol Santander, São Paulo (2020), MAC – Niteroi, RJ (2019), MACBA, Buenos Aires (2019), Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Santiago, Chile (2015). Dentre as coletivas: XIV Bienal de Nuevos Medios, Santiago, Chile (2019), 13o Bienal do Cairo (2019), MACBA, Argentina (2018), Guggenheim NY (2018), Museo del Barrio, NY (2017), MuBE-SP (2016), Centro Nacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile (2016), 10a Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brasil (2015), Cairo Internacional Biennale, Egito (2010), 53a Biennale di Venezia (2009), 2a Bienal de Moscou (2007), etc. Dentre as coleções mais importantes estão Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (Espanha), Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (EUA), Inhotim (Brasil), Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, EUA), Saatchi Collection (Inglaterra) e Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (EUA).
Iván Navarro’s works are appealing to observers for their combination of elements that question our perception. On the one hand, from a formalist point of view, his works are carefully constructed, bearing light as a main support, piquing the spectator’s senses while instilling fascination. The works of the series of 3D neon lightboxes, such as Tijolo Vertical (Azul) (2020), create illusory spaces, where games of perspective give rise to infinite symbolic fields. This takes place through “vanishing points,” where geometry imparts the sensation of a larger space.
He received his BA in visual arts in Santiago, Chile, in 1995. He has held solo shows at venues that include Farol Santander, São Paulo (2020); MAC – Niteroi, RJ (2019); MACBA, Buenos Aires (2019); and the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Santiago, Chile (2015). He has participated in group shows at venues that include the XIV Bienal de Nuevos Medios, Santiago, Chile (2019); the 13th Cairo Biennale (2019); MACBA, Argentina (2018); Guggenheim Museum NY (2018); the Museo del Barrio, NY (2017); MuBE-SP (2016); the Centro Nacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile (2016); the 10th Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2015); the Cairo Biennale, Egypt (2010); the 53rd Venice Biennale (2009); and the 2nd Moscow Biennale (2007). His works figure in collections at prestigious institutions that most notably include the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (Spain); Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (USA); Inhotim (Brazil); the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, USA); the Saatchi Collection (England); and Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (USA).
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Iván NavarroTijolo Vertical (Vermelho), 2020neon, madeira Jatobá, espelho unidirecional e energia elétrica
neon, jatobá wood, one-way mirror and electric energy
218,4 x 99,3 x 20 cm
85.94 x 39.10 x 7.87 in%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22artist%22%3EIv%C3%A1n%20Navarro%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22title_and_year%22%3E%3Cspan%20class%3D%22title_and_year_title%22%3ETijolo%20Vertical%20%28Vermelho%29%3C/span%3E%2C%20%3Cspan%20class%3D%22title_and_year_year%22%3E2020%3C/span%3E%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22medium%22%3Eneon%2C%20madeira%20Jatob%C3%A1%2C%20espelho%20unidirecional%20e%20energia%20el%C3%A9trica%3Cbr/%3E%0Aneon%2C%20jatob%C3%A1%20wood%2C%20one-way%20mirror%20and%20electric%20energy%3Cbr/%3E%0A%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22dimensions%22%3E218%2C4%20x%2099%2C3%20x%2020%20cm%3Cbr/%3E%0A85.94%20x%2039.10%20x%207.87%20in%3C/div%3E