Vista da exposição "Graças a Dedos", Luciana Brito Galeria, 2021

Vista da exposição "Graças a Dedos", Luciana Brito Galeria, 2021

Vista da exposição "Graças a Dedos", Luciana Brito Galeria, 2021
Pablo Lobato
mineral print on cotton paper, wooden frame, glass, cherries and melons seeds
Further images
A pesquisa de Pablo Lobato não se restringe a uma única linguagem, operando de maneira colaborativa com cada material ou situação para o despertar sensorial, das potencialidades do “fazer ver”. Na série “Muda”, desenvolvida desde 2014, Lobato parte da observação da anatomia das frutas, que sugere o penetrar das mãos e o retirar das sementes, que são apresentadas ao lado do registro fotográfico.
Pablo Lobato é um dos criadores da Teia - Centro de Pesquisa Audiovisual (BH) e recebeu prêmios por sua produção cinematográfica. Principais exposições: Museu de Arte da Pampulha, BH (2018), Itaú Cultural (2017), MAR-RJ (2016), 5a Bienal de Curitiba (2015), 10a Bienal do Mercosul (2015), 2a Bienal de Montevideo (2014), Festival Sesc-Videobrasil (2013), CCBB-RJ (2013), MoMA-NY (2009), Museo Tamayo, México (2009), Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Espanha (2008). Algumas coleções: Hippocrene Foundation (França), MACBA (Espanha), Museu de Arte da Pampulha (Brasil), MAR (Brasil), MAM-RJ (Brasil), Sharjah Art Foundation (EAU).
Pablo Lobato’s research is not restricted to a single language, operating collaboratively with each material or situation to awaken the sensorial, the potentials of “making to see.” In the Muda series, developed since 2014, Lobato bases his work on the observation of the anatomy of fruits, which suggests the penetration of hands and the removal of seeds, which are presented alongside the respective photograph of the fruit. For their part, in the works of the Ah! series, a plastic-coated copper wire receives a longitudinal cut, exposing the strands of the rosy metal. The separation of the elements reformulate the object, which gains autonomy and life.
Pablo Lobato is one of the creators of Teia – Centro de Pesquisa Audiovisual (BH) and has received many awards for his film production. Main exhibitions: the Museu de Arte da Pampulha, BH (2018), Itaú Cultural (2017), MAR-RJ (2016), the 5th Bienal de Curitiba (2015), the 10th Bienal do Mercosul (2015), the 2nd Bienal de Montevideo (2014), the Festival Sesc-Videobrasil (2013), CCBB-RJ (2013), MoMA-NY (2009), the Museo Tamayo, Mexico (2009), and the Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Spain (2008). His work figures in various collections including those of the Hippocrene Foundation (France), MACBA (Spain), the Museu de Arte da Pampulha (Brazil), MAR (Brazil), MAM-RJ (Brazil), and the Sharjah Art Foundation (EAU).