Oct 7th - Dec 20th, 2023
Primavera Silenciosa
curated by Alexia TalaAdán vallecillo | Ángel y fernando poyón | antonio pichillá
benvenuto chavajay | Diego isaias hernández | donna conlon
héctor zamora | jonathan harker | manuel chavajay
marilyn boror BOR | naomi rincón gallardo | paula nicho
paz errázuriz | rastros de diógeneS
rochelle costi | tz'aqaat
Grounded in curatorial research focused on art produced by indigenous artists from Latin America, Primavera Silenciosa [Silent Spring] proposes a coexistence with other artistic expressions deeply rooted in traditions related to their places of origin. The creative poetic of the exhibition's artists celebrates plurality and a relationship with nature defined by careful listening, while also keeping space open for critical scrutiny. The works aim to strengthen our ways of seeing and living in the world, thereby encouraging a sustainable relationship with the environment. This connection is not new but ancestral, though it has often been silenced.In 1962, Rachel Carson published the book Silent Spring, about the harmful effects of agrochemical pollution. Beyond her scientific studies, she created an allegory envisioning how social actions and behaviors affect the cycles of nature. Her book lends its title to this exhibition, which, informed by Carson's view, articulates three main guiding threads. The central thread explores the various ways artists discuss sacred matters, preservation, and regeneration amidst chaos and environmental disasters, while dreams become a way to see the invisible. Here, knowledge passed down orally from generation to generation finds expression in the practice of art. Due to the context of their experiences, these artists tend to create works with significant symbolic density, and their research reveals components of historical importance, as they record their ancestral roots and relationships with the environment. The second thread addresses questions concerning the exoticization, racialization, genocide, and silencing of indigenous peoples, who have endured efforts aimed at their extermination – and along with them, total erasure of their worldviews and knowledge, closely tied to nature. Finally, a third thread deals with the extractive pillaging of land, the privatization of water, disease, the accumulation and recycling of waste, and industrialization. These are consequences of the Capitalocene era that Andreas Malm aptly describes as "the geology not of humanity but of the accumulation of capital," flagging it as the main cause of the environmental crisis.In conclusion, the exhibition beckons the viewer to reflect on the triggers that have led to this environmental turning point: the devastating Capitalocene and the racial extermination of indigenous communities. The exercises of reflection proposed by Primavera Silenciosa question the limits of this coexistence: if all of humanity had adopted the same respect for nature seen in indigenous cosmovisions, would we now be in this Anthropocene crisis? When we are able to hear, see, and feel the whole world more clearly, and can recognize the importance in every gesture, in every mark left by each being, do we see ourselves as just one among millions, each with a limited and nearly insignificant capacity for action? Or do we embrace our ability to make an impact through collective effort, fully acknowledging the power of our own actions of transformation?Alexia Tala -
Adán Vallecillo
Honduras | 1977Lives and works in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Among the solo exhibitions are: Galería Diablo Rosso, Panama City; Extra Gallery, Guatemala City; El Lobi, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Gallery 80m2, Lima, Peru; Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros, Mexico City; Christinger de Mayo Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland; Palazetto Tito, Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy; Visual Arts Center, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Museum of Contemporary Art and Design, San Jose, Costa Rica. Some group exhibitions: ICA, Boston, USA; Museum of Contemporary Art, Monterrey, Mexico; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA; Museum of Contemporary Art, Lima, Peru; Cuenca Biennial, Ecuador; Phoenix Art Museum, USA; Art & Chateau 2020, Bourgogne, France; Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico; Tokyo International Forum, Japan; Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Montevideo Biennial, Uruguay; Paiz Art Biennial, Guatemala; Cartagena Biennial, Colombia; Curitiba Biennial, Brazil; Museo del Barrio, New York, USA; Venice Biennale, Italy; La Habana Biennial, Cuba; Museum of Latin American Art, Los Angeles, USA. Main collections: The Bronx Museum of Arts, USA; Phoenix Art Museum, USA; Daros Collection, Switzerland; CIFO Foundation, USA; Coleção Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, USA; Novartis Collection, Switzerland. -
A D Á N V A L L E C I L L O"Bonanzas Efímeras", 2023
vídeo digital, monocanal, cor, com som | digital video, single channel, color, with sound
duração: 6’43” | duration: 6’43”View more details -
Ángel Poyón
Guatemala | 1974Lives and works in San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango. Solo exhibitions: Fundación TEOR/ética, San José (Costa Rica); T20 Gallery, Murcia; Proyecto Poporopo, Guatemala City; Galería Extra, Guatemala City; Galería Despacio, San José (Costa Rica). Group exhibitions: WhiteBox.art, Munich; Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin; Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, TX; Miami Prácticas Contemporáneas, Bogotá; Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara, CA; Casa de las Américas, Havana; ARCO, Madrid; Trienal del Caribe, Santo Domingo. Collections: Cisneros Fontanals Foundation, Miami; Paiz Foundation, Guatemala City; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Spain; Banco Mundial, Washington DC, USA.
Fernando Poyón
Guatemala | 1982Lives and works in San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango. Solo Exhibitions: Loft 5 (with Ángel Poyón), Guatemala City; Casa de la Cultura, Comalapa; Banco de Guatemala. Group exhibitions: Museo Mexic-Arte, Austin, TX; George Mason University, Washington, DC; Salón Internacional de Arte Indígena Manuel Quintín Lame, Popayan Cauca (Colombia); Nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporâneo (NuMU), Guatemala City; Center Párraga, Murcia; Taipei Museum of Fine Arts; Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana; Art Museum of the Americas, OEA, Washington, D.C.; ARCO, Madrid; Videoart Festival, Barcelona; Biennial of the Americas, Denver, CO.
A N T O N I O P I C H I L L Á"Viento", 2022
tecido artesanal e fios de lã | handmade textile and wool yarn
220 x 150 cm | 86.61 x 59.05 in -
A N T O N I O P I C H I L L Á"Kukulkan", 2023
lã, galhos de árvore e pedras | wool, tree branches and stones
dimensões variáveis | variable dimensionsView more details -
B E N V E N U T O C H A V A J A Y“Planta/naturaleza” da série "Creación de la humanidad de Popol Wuj", 2022
impressão fineart sobre papel Hahnemühle Matt Fibre | fineart print on Hahnemühle Matt Fiber paper
90 x 60 cm | 35.43 x 23.62 inView more details -
D I E G O I S A Í A S H E R N Á N D E Z“Desastre natural por la tormenta tropical en Guatemala”, 2023
óleo sobre tela | oil on canvas
61 x 81 cm | 24.02 x 31.89 inView more details -
Donna Conlon
Panamá | 1966Lives and works in Panama City, Panama. The artist has participated in several exhibitions around the world, such as the Venice Biennale, Italy; Tate St. Ives, UK; La Moneda Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile; Asuncion Biennial, Paraguay; Prefix, Institute of Contemporary Art, Toronto, Canada; Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, USA; El Museo del Barrio, New York, USA; Contemporary Art Festival, Prague, Czech Republic; Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Auckland Triennial, New Zealand; Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul, Türkiye. His work features in important collections such as Daros Latinamerica (Switzerland), Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Art Foundation (USA), Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA), Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (Argentina), National Gallery of Victoria (Australia), Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection at the Museo de Arte de Lima (Peru), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (USA), Tate Modern (UK), TEOR/éTica Museum Permanent Collection (Costa Rica).
D O N N A C O N L O N"From the Ashes", 2019
vídeo HD, formato 16:9 | HD video, 16:9 format
duração: 2’57” | HD video, 16:9 formatView more details -
Héctor Zamora
Mexico | 1974Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico. Most important solo shows: The Roof Garden Commission, MET-NY, USA; LABOR, Mexico City; Pavilhão Branco, Portugal; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Mexico; Fundación RAC, Spain; Palais de Tokyo, France; CCBB São Paulo, Brazil; Center for Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA; Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil. Among the group shows are: 13a Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 4th Mediterranean Biennial, Israel; Hirshhorn Museum, USA; Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Mexico; Shanghai Biennial, China; MAM-RJ, Brazil; Guggenheim Museum, USA; Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru; Venice Biennale, Italy; Lyon Biennial, France; International Cairo Biennial, Egypt; Bienal de la Habana, Cuba; São Paulo Biennial, Brazil. His works feature the collections of Amparo Museum (México), Fundación RAC (Espanha), Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (EUA), among others.
H É C T O R Z A M O R A"Capa-Canal", 2018
vídeo HD, monocanal, cor, com som | HD video, single channel, color, with sound
duração: 4’14” | duration: 4'14''View more details -
M A N U E L C H A V A J A YSem título da série "K’o q’iij ne t’i’lto’ ja juyu’ t’aq’aaj (Hay días que se acercan las montañas y los volcanes)" , 2023
óleo queimado de motor marítimo e terrestre, aquarela e bordado sobre papel algodão | sea and land engine burnt oil, watercolor and embroidery on cotton paper
170 x 107 cm | 66.93 x 42.13 inView more details -
Naomi Rincón Gallardo
México | 1979Lives and works between Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico. Most important solo shows: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca – MACO; Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria; Parallel Oaxaca; Museo Experimental el Eco, Mexico. Exposições coletivas: Casa Encendida, Spain; 59th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, Itália; 34th Bienal de São Paulo, Brasil; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca, México; 11th Berlin Biennale, Alemanha; Kunstraum Niederösterreich Áustria; The Broad Museum, L.A., EUA; FEMSA Biennial, México; SFMOMA, San Francisco, EUA; Odarodle. Schwules Museum, Berlin, Alemanha; Nicaragua Biennial. Possui doutorado em Prática Artística pela Academia de Bellas Artes de Viena (PhD in Practice Program).
N A O M I R I N C Ó N G A L L A R D O"Versos de porquería", 2021
vídeo HD, monocanal, cor, com som | HD video, single channel, color, with sound
duração: 23’54” | duration: 23’54”View more details -
P A U L A N I C H O“Mi sueño”, 2023
óleo sobre tela | oil on canvas
81 x 61 cm | 31.89 x 24.02 inView more details -
P A Z E R R Á Z U R I Z“Los nómades del mar”, 1995/2016
impressão digital sobre papel | digital print on paper
60 x 90 cm | 23.62 x 35.43 ined 1/5 + 2 A.P.View more details -
R A S T R O S D E D I Ó G E N E S“Ybyratyba”, 2022
impressão fineart sobre papel Hahnemühle Matt Fibre | fineart print on Hahnemühle Matt Fiber paper
66,5 x 100 cm | 26.18 x 39.37 inView more details -
Rochelle Costi
Brasil | 1961-2022Solo Shows: Oficinas Culturais Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo, Brazil; The Photographer’s Gallery, London, UK; Museu de Arte Moderna - MAM, São Paulo, Brazil; Centro Cultural São Paulo – CCSP, Brazil; Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil; Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil. Among the most important group exhibitions are: Museu da Imagem e do Som-MIS, São Paulo, Brazil; Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil; III Beijing Photo Biennial, Beijing, China; Museu de Arte de São Paulo - MASP, Brazil; Bienal de la Paiz, Guatemala; Somerset House, London, UK; 11th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice, Italy; 24a Bienal de São Paulo, Brazil; Bienal de Cuenca, Equador; XXVI Bienal de Pontevedra, Spain; Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain; II Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 6ª e 7ª Bienal de la Habana, Cuba; II Tokyo Photography Biennial, Japan. Collections: Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (USA), Instituto Inhotim (Brazil), MASP (Brazil), MAM-SP/RJ (Brazil), Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (Brazil) e Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (Austria), among others.
GuatemalaFormed by Guatemalan artists Cheen Cortéz and Manuel Chavajay, the Tz'aqaat duo works the subjectivity given through the dreams, whose references come from their identities and respect for ancestries. They have recently participated in the 23rd Paiz Art Biennial (Guatemala).
T Z' A Q A A TCheen Cortéz & Manuel Chavajay"Kawoq", 2023
duração: 3’10” | duration: 3’10”ed 3 + 2 A.P.View more details -