Gabriela Machado Brazilian, b. 1960
“O brilho”, 2011-2024técnica mista sobre linho
mixed media on linen146 x 137 cm
57.48 x 53.94 inFurther images
Gabriela Machado’s research is focused mainly on painting. The imagery of day-to-day experience is a great source of inspiration, providing the artist with parameters for landscapes and still lifes, in which she emulates small slices of everyday life on the canvas. Her processes spring from quick, organic and spontaneous gesturality, lending pure visuality to the lively colors and forms. As an outgrowth of this aesthetics, she also creates sculptures, in which she investigate shapes through the potentials of other materials, such as clay, plaster and bronze.Gabriela Machado’s small paintings reveal fragments of her daily life. The scenes, colors, and shapes that are part of her day-to-day existence serve as the artist’s main sources of inspiration, constituting a sort of visual diary since 2017. Her larger paintings, in contrast, are made with gestural expressiveness on a more bodily scale, through rapid and organic processes that externalize the artist’s inner feelings and states of spirit. While her small paintings create a transition from outside to inside, bringing perceptions of her surroundings to the canvas, the large ones emerge from inside to outside, conveying the artist’s fleeting sensations.As pequenas pinturas de Gabriela Machado revelam fragmentos de seu cotidiano. As cenas, cores e formas que atravessam seu dia a dia são as grandes fontes de inspiração para a artista, como um diário de bordo, desde 2017. Já a pintura maior, traz expressividade gestual em uma escala mais corporal, através de processos rápidos e orgânicos da artista que exteriorizam seus sentimentos e estados de espírito. Enquanto as pinturas menores realizam um trânsito de fora para dentro, trazendo para a tela as percepções do entorno, as grandes acontecem de dentro para fora, traduzindo sensações momentâneas da artista.