Caio Reisewitz
“Altamira #2”, 2014jato de tinta sobre papel Hahnemühle
inkjet print on Hahnemühle paper40 x 60 cm
15.75 x 23.62 ined 2/8Caio Reisewitz’s research takes photography as its main medium. Through technical and thematic refinement, his work evinces an interest in human action and its social and political effects, whether in the natural space or the architectural space. While his photographic technique highlights the dramaticity among shapes, colors and textures, his artistic poetics constructs a nearly dreamlike aesthetic repertoire. These aspects establish a dichotomous dialogue between the real (that which is characteristic of the photographic record) and the chimerical (our own repertoires).In his research, Caio Reisewitz primarily uses the medium of photography. Through technical refinement, his compositions convey a particular interest in human action and its social and political impacts, whether in natural or architectural spaces. His poetics constructs a repertoire that can confront us with human neglect and while also revealing the visual poetry of the surroundings.The Altamira series concerns the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam and its impacts on the region where it was installed. The artist began this series in 2013 during his first trip to this region in the Xingu River basin in Pará State (northern Brazil), initiating years of research into the city of Altamira – where the operations of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam are based. Since then, the entire region has suffered the effects of its disordered growth, land grabbing, devastation of forests, and neglect of the indigenous communities.A pesquisa de Caio Reisewitz tem a fotografia como suporte principal. Através do refinamento técnico, suas composições mostram um particular interesse pela ação humana e seus efeitos sociais e políticos, seja no espaço natural ou no espaço arquitetônico. Sua poética constroi um repertório que pode tanto nos colocar diante do descaso humano, quanto da poesia plástica dos ambientes.A série “Altamira” trata da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte e suas consequências na região onde foi instalada. Realizada pela primeira vez em 2013, com a primeira viagem do artista à região, a série é resultado de anos de pesquisa sobre a cidade de Altamira, sede da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, na bacia do Rio Xingu, no Pará (Norte do Brasil). Desde então, toda a região sofre os efeitos do seu crescimento desordenado, da grilagem, da devastação das florestas e do descaso com a comunidade indígena.1of 2