Caio Reisewitz
“Paretinga”, 2010c-print em metacrilato
c-print mounted on Diasec151,6 x 122 cm
59.7 x 48 ined 5/5Caio Reisewitz’s research takes photography as its main medium. Through technical and thematic refinement, his work evinces an interest in human action and its social and political effects, whether in the natural space or the architectural space. While his photographic technique highlights the dramaticity among shapes, colors and textures, his artistic poetics constructs a nearly dreamlike aesthetic repertoire. These aspects establish a dichotomous dialogue between the real (that which is characteristic of the photographic record) and the chimerical (our own repertoires).In his research, Caio Reisewitz primarily uses the medium of photography. Through technical refinement, his compositions convey a particular interest in human action and its social and political impacts, whether in natural or architectural spaces. His poetics constructs a repertoire that can confront us with human neglect and while also revealing the visual poetry of the surroundings.“Paretinga” is an imaginary place invented by the artist, establishing a dialog with the text “Estrela da manhã” by Thiago de Mello, which explores symbolic places as metaphors for geographic and emotional forgetting, and for human abandonment and reconnection with the essence of life. The idea of the “forgotten place” recurs in the author’s work, which considers our loss of connection with nature, associating it to alienation from our origins.
A pesquisa de Caio Reisewitz tem a fotografia como suporte principal. Através do refinamento técnico, suas composições mostram um particular interesse pela ação humana e seus efeitos sociais e políticos, seja no espaço natural ou no espaço arquitetônico. Sua poética constroi um repertório que pode tanto nos colocar diante do descaso humano, quanto da poesia plástica dos ambientes.
“Paretinga”, é um lugar inventado pelo artista, que estabelece uma relação com o texto de Thiago de Mello “Estrela da manhã”, do qual lugares simbólicos são explorados como metáforas para o esquecimento geográfico e emocional, além do abandono humano e a reconexão com a essência da vida. A ideia do “lugar esquecido” é recorrente na obra desse autor, que associa a perda da relação com a natureza com a alienação das nossas origens.