Anthony McCall
"Water Table", 1972/2004
conjunto de 6 impressões em gelatina e prata
set of six silver gelatin prints
set of six silver gelatin prints
22,4 x 33,5 cm (imagem) / 27,94 x 35,56 cm (papel)
8.8 x 13.19 in (image) / 11 x 14 in (paper)
8.8 x 13.19 in (image) / 11 x 14 in (paper)
Ed 11/15
Anthony McCall’s research articulates concepts related to cinema, performance art, sculpture and drawing. The artist became known for his “solid-light” sculptures – projected animations tridimensionalized by the emission of smoke, which arouse feelings in the observer while beckoning for interactivity. At the beginning of his career, McCall was also outstanding in the English cinematographic vanguard for his production of films based on minimalist performances made outdoors, in England.
A pesquisa de Anthony McCall articula conceitos relacionados ao cinema, performance, escultura e o desenho. O artista tornou-se conhecido por suas esculturas de luz sólida – “Solid-light”, cujas animações projetadas e tridimensionalizadas pela emissão de fumaça provoca os sentidos do espectador ao mesmo tempo em que encoraja a interatividade. No começo da carreira, Anthony McCall também conquistou lugar de destaque na vanguarda cinematográfica inglesa, com a produção de filmes a partir de performances minimalistas realizadas em ambientes externos na Inglaterra.
Anthony McCall’s research articulates concepts related to cinema, performance art, sculpture and drawing. The artist became known for his “solid-light” sculptures – projected animations tridimensionalized by the emission of smoke, which arouse feelings in the observer while beckoning for interactivity. At the beginning of his career, McCall was also outstanding in the English cinematographic vanguard for his production of films based on minimalist performances made outdoors, in England.
Anthony McCall graduated in design from Ravenbourne-College of Art and Design (1968, London). He has held solo shows at prominent institutions such as the Denver Art Museum (2019, USA), the Contemporary Art Museum (2013, St. Louis, USA), Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin (2012, Germany), Tate Modern (2012, London, England), Moderna Museet (2009, Stockholm, Sweden), Hangar Bicocca (2009, Milan, Italy), Pompidou Metz (2009, France), Serpentine Gallery (2007, London, England), Tate Britain (2004, London, England) and MoMA-NY (1976, USA). He has participated in group shows at venues which most notably include the Museum of Modern Art (2016, San Francisco, USA), Whitney Museum (2016, New York, USA), the Fundação Serralves (2011, Porto, Portugal), MoMA-NY (2011, USA), Guggenheim Museum (2010, New York, USA), Itaú Cultural (2009, São Paulo), the 37th and 38th editions of the Venice Biennale (1976 and 1978, Italy) and documenta 6 (1977, Kassel, Germany). His works figure in public and private collections such as those of the Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore, Maryland, USA), the Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris, France), MoMa-NY (USA), and the Tate (London, England). In 2006, the artist received the special prize of the International Association of Art Critics, in Germany.