Eder Santos
Mini projector, wooden box, glass dome, glass with adhesive film for rear projection, iron stand, red velvet cushion, stone base for the cushion
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A obra de Eder Santos trabalha o hibridismo próprio da linguagem audiovisual, proporcionando verdadeiras experiências sensoriais, com planos de pinturas sonorizadas e distorções de cores e sons. Explorando temáticas do cotidiano mineiro, sua pesquisa demonstra a importância da representatividade das mídias tecnológicas, bem como suas responsabilidades como ferramenta de comunicação. Nas obras da série “Todos os Santos” (2016), o artista aborda temas controversos do brasileiro, como o embate religioso entre o sagrado e do profano, que se mistura na sexualidade dos corpos santificados.
Estudou Artes na Escola de Belas Artes da UFMG e formou-se em Programação Visual pela FUMA, em 1984. Mostras individuais: Sesc Pompéia (2013), MAM-Salvador (2010), CCBB-RJ (2010), MASP (2010), University of Virginia Art Museum (2006, EUA), MAMBA (2000, Argentina). Coletivas: Tate Modern (2017, UK), MIS (2014), Liverpool Biennial (2021, UK), Itaú Cultural (2007), Bienal de La Havana (2006, Cuba), MAC-USP (2002), 23a Bienal de São Paulo (1996), MoMA (1993, EUA). Também participou de diversos festivais de cinema, sendo amplamente premiado. Algumas coleções: Centre Georges Pompidou (França), Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (EUA) e MoMA-NY (EUA).
The work by Eder Santos deals with the hybridism inherent to the audiovisual language, providing true sensorial experiences, with planes of painting that emit sound as well as distortions of colors and sounds. Exploring thematics of daily life in the state of Minas Gerais, his research demonstrates the importance of the representativity of the technological media, as well as its responsibilities as a communication tool. In the works of the series Todos os Santos (2016), the artist deals with controversial themes in Brazil such as the religious clashing between the sacred and the profane, which is blended in the sexuality of the sanctified bodies.
He studied art at the Escola de Belas Artes of UFMG and received his BA in visual programming from FUMA, in 1984. Solo shows: Sesc Pompéia (2013), MAM-Salvador (2010), CCBB-RJ (2010), MASP (2010), University of Virginia Art Museum (2006, USA), MAMBA (2000, Argentina). Group shows: Tate Modern (2017, UK), MIS (2014), Liverpool Biennial (2021, UK), Itaú Cultural (2007), Bienal de La Havana (2006, Cuba), MAC-USP (2002), 23rd Bienal de São Paulo (1996), MoMA (1993, USA). He has also participated in various film festivals, winning many awards. His works figure in various collections, including those of Centre Georges Pompidou (France), Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (USA) and MoMA-NY (USA).